12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jeremiah 20:10-13     Romans 5:12-15    Matthew 10:26-33

Birds FlyingChapter 10 of Saint Matthew’s Gospel is central to the Mission of Jesus that is building up the Kingdom of God.  At the start of this Chapter we read about the choice and call of twelve disciples whom he called Apostles.  His disciples were those who heard the word of God and took to heart.  His apostles were those who committed themselves more fully to preaching the Good News and building up the Kingdom on earth.

Having chosen them, Jesus then sent them out with instructions on how to minister in his name. They are to proclaim the Good News, to heal the sick, to drive out evil and announce peace.  All of this will draw attention to them and much of it will be opposition and rejection. 

Jesus was sending them out as ‘sheep in the midst of wolves’.  He warned them of the persecutions to come and even of the probability of death for his sake.  Did the apostles recall any of the Prophets of the past who hesitated answering the call?  Jeremiah’s “Lord, I am too young ……too weak ….. too afraid ….” must have echoed in their minds.  But Jesus gives them the same reassurance as he did to Jeremiah; “What you are to say will be given to you.”

And in our day the same call is being made to us and the same warnings and the same reassurances!  The opposition that we will encounter will come too but perhaps, not from very obvious sources or forces, such as the communism of old or strictly anti-Church regimes that still rule in the world.    

Opposition to us, our beliefs and principles lurk in institutions which we often rely on and on a very sinister and aggressive media.  The Lord’s words give us strength; “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul”

Opposition to the gospel will come from the darkness within ourselves, the darkness of our own lack of self-confidence and courage.  But do not be afraid; “Why, every hair on your head has been counted” and you are precious in God’s eyes.

Opposition will come from outside of ourselves: from sick and evil people who fear the light of goodness.  They dread that the light will expose their darkness.  But we are told “Do not be afraid.  What is now covered will be uncovered and everything now hidden will be made clear.”

It seems that the Lord answers all the difficulties that his disciples are likely to encounter by “Do not be afraid”.  It is said that the phrase “Do not be afraid” is repeated in the Scriptures so often that almost corresponds to the number of days in the year!

Finally, the Lord reminds us that perseverance will be rewarded and that we will be closely identified with Him and his Mission and his sufferings.  He will declare us to the Father in heaven as his true disciples, his friends.