22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 

(Mark 7:1-8. 14-15.21-23)

hand washingThe Pharisees at the time of Jesus were not much different to the Pharisees of today. They were an ancient Jewish sect who were obsessed with strict obedience to tradition and the law. They were concerned that the disciples were not keeping the letter of the law but they themselves did not seem to have much time for sincerity or real commitment. Jesus was eventually done to death in the name of religion under a plot conspired by these so called religious leaders. 

So often religious self-righteousness underpins injustice in the forms of political prejudice. Sometimes the Bible is quoted to legitimise apartheid and other discriminations. The dark side of the Church’s history tells a story of inquisition, burning of heretics and inhibition of those seeking knowledge and truth. Within the Church today we find religious neurotics who have the best of intentions, but they are leading people down the doubtful path of fanatical devotion. We hear of alleged apparitions, extraordinary phenomena and private revelations and very often the messages of doom and gloom are connected to events of history interpreted in the light of these private revelations, despite the warning of Jesus not to interpret these things as punishment from God (Luke 13;1-5). 

Religious neurotics are not new arrivals in the Church. St Paul met them at Colossae and advised ‘Do not be taken in by people who like grovelling to angels and worshipping them; people like that are always going on about some vision they had ….their self imposed devotions …’ (Col 2;18-23). Paul reminds us that our religion is based on the centrality of the Death and Resurrection of Christ and our being part of that through Baptism. 

Prudence is a great virtue and along with Justice, Fortitude and Temperance makes up the four pillars of a balanced life. Prudence keeps religion for God. It is God’s word that directs us and God’s word is given through Jesus Christ. He is all we need to find and please God. “This is my beloved Son; Listen to Him”