Sr. Breda McInerney (1935-2024)
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Sr Breda McInerney.
Born on 1st February 1935 at Cooraclare, Co Clare. Breda joined the Nazareth Sisters after her secondary school years and taught in their schools in Australia until she decided to be a Carmelite. In 1985 Sr. Breda came to Ireland and joined Firhouse Carmel. In 2017 she transferred to Roebuck after the sad closure of Firhouse.
Sr Breda was always interested in people and their concerns and was very zealous in her prayer for all. We are confident that she will continue to bring our concerns to the Lord on our behalf and that she will intercede for us all.
Always interested in sport she was an avid follower of the GAA and was keenly interested in rugby.
After suffering for years with heart problems it finally gave up on her and she died peacefully and serenely in the Monastery aided by the wonderful care of our doctors and the hospice nurses.
May she rest in eternal peace.